The importance of Miller's book, it that it gives you an insight to what people think outside of the alienated church subculture. Basically, Miller presents some autobiographical material regarding his journey toward God. He spends a good amount of time working through the struggle of wanting to know God, but not wanting to be involved in "religion."
Like most of us postmodern natives, Miller rejected "religion" but still sought a spiritual connection. What is beautiful about his personable writing is that he still finds his way to the true God, but without all the "baggage" (that I am getting very tired of). I really enjoyed his conversational writing style because it was wrought with realism and authenticity. I would suggest Blue Like Jazz to anyone in the established church who is wondering what the rest of the world is thinking.
Next time, I would like to tell you about another book I read recently by one of my favorite authors: Len Sweet's Out of the Question, Into the Mystery.