We've been encouraging and helping our friends get involved with other churches in Helena, and at the same time, completing the administrative tasks needed to legally dissolve Encounter Church.
But what about the Powells, you may ask! We've been busy as well. I've been networking with fellow church planters all over the nation. From Boston and Virginia, to Texas, California, Utah, and Seattle. That means a lot of phone calls, Skype video chats, and a few trips here and there.
With our recent experience leading a new church plant, we have a unique perspective and experience to join in with a new church planting team or vibrant ministries. I am are seeking out the new adventures that God has for us, and playing to my strengths in worship, arts, and media — but also adding in my experience in leadership, spiritual formation, and community outreach.
In early August, we visited One Community Church in South Jordan, Utah. Just about 25 miles South of Salt Lake City, these guys have planted and will be planting more churches in a place where no one wants to plant a church. We enjoyed leading worship there and offer a "shout out" to Charles, Tony, and Josh!
Bobby and Kelli are making a difference in an inner-city, high poverty area of Tacoma through The Pathway. Keith and Kristine are doing a similar thing just north of Seattle at Epic Life Church.
Finally, Gary and Molly are leading a church plant that is reaching the suburban area of Woodinville and Bothell through Emmaus Church in North East Seattle.
We've also been busy here in Montana in October. We led worship at meeting for pastors and missionaries two weeks ago. Last Sunday, we led worship at a new church plant in Bozeman called Crossroads Church. View the video below if you want. Sean and Lydia are just having their first preview services. We are also helping out with worship at Big Sky Fellowship on Sunday, October 23. Big Sky was our church sponsor for Encounter, if you remember.
There is also a great church in ... better sit down for this one ... Richmond, Virginia area that we have also just started the beginning steps of being considered for the Worship Pastor position. At this time, I cannot yet share the name of the church, but I have personal friends that have attended this church – actually friends of friends. Here is what one friend said..."It is the most creative bunch of people truly living out the Gospel. They have a heart for the city, and are in an artsy, VCU area of the city... AMAZING talent in worship, all heartfelt. I couldn't recommend a place more highly."

We would appreciate your prayers for safety, but also for connection and clarity.
We've been pursuing this position in Bothell, but there are some things we feel God need to bring together regarding the cost of housing and acquiring a second job.
So while we seem to have a number of opportunities available, we are looking for the one that God has planned for us. It needs to be a fit for our personalities and gifts, how we are most effective in ministry, and for us to achieve a balance between family life and ministry.Please be praying for us.
View the video above or on YouTube here.