Monday, March 12, 2007

The Greatest Day!

Usually I think of Easter as a busy time of year. And while, I'd like to say that there are slow times and busy times of the year, I'm learning that it never really slows down. As usual, I've got a number of things going on right now.

Promise Keepers: This Saturday is the local Promise Keepers conference here in Helena. It's gonna be great! I'm the Worship Team Leader again this year so I'm trying to wrap up a number of loose ends - presentation lyrics, transitions between songs, and so on.

Hosanna: I started rehearsing the song Hosanna! (by Carl Tuttle) with the kids in Children's Church this last Sunday. We're planning to have them sing to celebrate Palm Sunday.

Experience The Cross: We are doing a prayer station service (multisensory worship) again on Good Friday. Like last year, the youth will be facilitating the service. Gezer and Kaci are trying to theme the stations around John 3:16 to tie in with Easter morning. We're going to call it Experience The Cross again this year.

The Greatest Day: Easter is coming up quick! Our theme this year is "The Greatest Day!" with John 3:16 as the scripture anchor. Through our greatest day, we are changed forever. What is your greatest day? Could it be that all our greatest days are possible because because of THE Greatest Day; the day that Jesus rose from the dead and demonstrated His power over sin and death? Because of this, can everyday now be our greatest day? We are forever changed!

Kellin Sick: Kellin was pretty sick with a fever today. He stayed home from school, but we're praying he'll feel better tomorrow.

Busy Decorating: Andrea has been busy decorating for some people in our Helena. Lots of work, but she likes it and she's getting paid.

Devil's Brigade: Andrik has this encroaching big project. It's pretty exciting. He's got some major research, supposed to find some sources to interview, and then the school is going to film him. Each kid gets a 30 second spot and will be broadcasted on PBS Montana. Needless to say, both Andrik and I have been researching his subject: The Devil's Brigade. Apparently, this joint American-Canadian brigade was formed and trained right here at Fort Harrison in Helena. Officially called the First Special Service Force, it was the basis of the formation of all modern elite forces including the Green Berets, Delta Force, Navy Seals, and Canada's JTF2.

Recent Weather: It's been getting warmer here in Helena (in the 60's). We might be looking at an early Spring, but you never know. Today, it got up to warm and sunny 75 degrees - and then just an hour later it was 62 and raining.