While you may not be able to physically join us on our trip to the
National Worship Leader Conference in Austin, you can journey with us thanks to the wonders of technology. Of course, I'm talking about the "world-wide-interweb" as it used to be called :-)
Thanks to what is known as Web 2.0 applications such as
Twitter, and
Facebook, we'd like to invite you to journey with us the whole week we're at the NWL Conference. You are already familiar with
Blogger and
Picasa through the
eSomething blog and
photo gallery, but the others are something newer that you might want to check out.
TWITTER: You can find some of my
Twitter updates in the sidebar at the right
(look for the title "eTwitter-ing"). I can send updates from my phone throughout the day to update
my Twitter feed and just let you know what's going on in short, quick updates. If you see a URL in the update
(i.e. http://twitpic.com/4lnp) then that means I've sent a photo or a link to check out.

If you're reading on the
eSomething blog, then you'll have to highlight, copy, and paste it into your browser to check out a URL from a
Twitter update. However, you can also click on the
"Follow me on Twitter" link and check it out there - clickable links and all. If you sign up for
Twitter yourself, you can even be notified by email or phone when I update. It's all free, of course.
Facebook is something I just joined a few weeks ago, but I gotta say it's pretty cool. My
Twitter and
e|Something blog updates go there, too. You'll have to sign up yourself to check out
my Facebook profile page, but if you are at all web savy I think you'll find it worth your while. If you do, be sure to "make me your friend."
Anyway, I encourage you to at least check up on us this week. And be sure to check out the Twitter feed.