Saturday, June 02, 2007

The Eucharist

I mentioned my agreement before with the idea that the church should be the place where new ideas abound. After all, God is infinitely creative!

Here is a great example from Rob Bell via Mark Batterson's blog. He recently heard Bell speak about communion with originality, creativity, and authenticity...

"He talked about the Eucharist. And used the phrase body broken, blood poured. And then he said something that's never even crossed my mind: leadership is a reenactment of the Eucharist. In a sense, our bodies our broken and our blood is poured. Not in the substitionary sense of what Jesus accomplished as a sinless sacrifice. But maybe 'do this' in the phrase 'do this in remembrance of me' isn't just a reference to the act of communion. Maybe it has broader ramifications. Maybe 'do this' means do what I've done. In a sense, we are a living eucharist."

May we all be poured out and broken for Him...