It was crowded — a real case of "too many cooks in the kitchen." So several of us found ways to talk to and encourage those stating at the shelter as well as root on our favorite football team (insert Colts or Jets here).
As usual for God's Love, a line began to form about 4pm and we prayed for the meal as a group. We served up around 80 helpings of the Scalloped Macaroni dish and still have some left over to serve another lunch meal this week.
We just want to thank those who came out to help and to make a difference in our community. Thanks to Aaron McNay for heading up the "chef" duties and those that purchased items for the day. We also want to thank Vann's Thriftway for donating near half the food items for the recipe.

You can find all the great photos on Facebook here.
Check out a Picasa slideshow here.
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