Sunday, April 15, 2007

Various Reading From The Web

I've been catching up on my reading from the web. Here's some stuff that caught my eye...

Seth Godin speaks to another reason the "experiences" we create in our church gathering are more important than we realize. Click here. has an interesting ministry inside Second Life, a virtual online world (find out more about Second life here). They had their first Easter service in Second Life. Read about the experience on Terry Storch's blog here.

Church Marking Sucks suggests that churches and Christians can use new internet technologies to engage culture. They encourage us to be willing to use online entertainment here, to be active in the formation of Wikipedia articles here, and to embrace RSS technologies here. Since internet usage has grown to almost 80%, a church website is no longer a novelty - it is a necessity. The same will be true as these other technologies gain usage and popularity.

Click here for a very simple and inexpensive way to start a small business or church website.

Shane Yancey of asks "Are we busy re-sewing the temple curtain?" Click here for his sermon outline - here for the mp3.

Seth Godin encourages us NOT to settle for the mediocre through compromise. Click here

Tony Morgan reports on New Spring's Easter service here. I find it interesting that they kept going with their normal series and didn't do a special "Easter" service. It seems to me that when you're connecting with people, every service is "special."

Finally, Perry Noble share these two amazing stories here and here.