Saturday, February 03, 2007

Grandparents in the Church

As you may know, I am a great fan of postmodern thinker Leonard Sweet. I've read four books of his (Aqua Church, Carpe Mañana, Jesus Drives Me Crazy, and Out of the Question...Into the Mystery), and each made an immense impact on my life and ministry.

When I re-read his books, I am astounded by the profoundness of some of his statements. He recently shared this quote at a Pastor's Roundtable:

"Ask the grandparents in your church: how many of you would lay down your life for your grandchildren? Every grandparent will raise their hand. Then ask them: how many of you would lay down your musical preferences for your grandchildren?"

To tell you the truth, there may not be much difference between the two questions. Thanks to Mark Batterson for this and a few other "Sweetisms."