Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Will There Be A Victory In 2013?

These words from "A Reason to Sing" by All Sons & Daughters continue to sum up our experiences over the last year.

"Will there be a victory? Will You sing it over me now?"

As I look back at 2012, I can honestly say that it was THE most difficult year of my life. I had no idea last January that it would be so. Even though we had just closed the doors of Encounter Church and looked to God's new adventures for us, we were filled with hope and trust.

Working at Staples as a Copy & Print Pro certainly did not pay the bills and the continued poor economy was not opening any doors for paid ministry positions anywhere in the country.

We followed God's lead to explore Seattle and made some great connections there, but nothing that would help our family survive. Early in 2012, I also experienced a scary medical situation that increased our need for strong financial stability.

In my last post, I made the statement "We must be moving on soon." And so the final catalyst for our "moving on" lay in the need to financially support and provide the best life experience for our family. We could no longer do so in Helena, Montana.

After much prayer and consideration, our only true option was to move back to Southern California. I knew I could transfer my Staples position and we could stay with family for a season. Because I am uniquely qualified both in Ministry and the Marketing & Communications Arts, I was sure I could secure a related position in SoCal despite the depressed economy.

And so we did move. With much excitement and some trepidation, I brought the kids down to their grandparents at the beginning of August for the start of school in Fontana. Andrea and I followed just a month later to also stay with her parents.

It had been exactly eight years TO THE DAY since our move to Montana. Our empty home was still on the market waiting for a buyer, and a new life transition awaited us in a new place.

So where are we now? Why are we praying for victory? Check out my next post as I continue the experiences and struggles of our last four months. And the final post here.

1 comment:

Karrie Henderson said...

Glad to have you back in California! Would love to see all of you.